Krazy's Web Page
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Greetings and Salutations...

Why don't you pull up a chair, grab a Coca-Cola (which is what I drink, if you want to grab some coffee or tea, by all means...*grin*), and stay a while...

Let me start by introducing myself...

My name is Krazy...No, that is not my real name...My real name is Wende...Yes, it is spelled that way...with no Y...

I have made this web page for my family and friends...I wish them all my love. (I had to add that)...

I have broken up my index.html file into 2 segments...Click Krazy's Web Page Index to continue thru my web page...If the graphics are too much, you can go to Krazy's Web Page Index - Text...

LOLOLOL...Well...I think that is all that I have to say for now...Take care...and have fun going thru my web page(s)...Bye Bye for now...Krazy

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Please help find Sabrina...please click on the images below for the homepage about Sabrina...if you have children, it will break your heart and make you want to help...
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Krazy is PROUD to support...
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Krazy is a PROUD member of...
LOTH, Ladies-Of-The-HeartLOTH, Ladies-Of-The-Heart
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Gifts that I have received...
Ravenwolf's LOTH Gift
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Awards that I have requested or received...
None yet...but I'm still hoping :-)
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